Early in my consulting work, I recognized that everywhere I turned people and organizations were being forced into situations of transition. The emergence of the VUCA perspective shows us that change and transition are not interruptions but rather the conditions that we must live with. If we reflect on the challenges that come with volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, we realize that the way we have conceived of our world is no longer viable.
When I formulated the Circle of Impact model of leadership, I concluded that the principal obstacle to organizations fulfilling their potential was the dominance of Structure over Ideas and Relationships. In other words, Structures are not subject to change by new ideas or collaborative endeavors. Those structures form into silos and horizontal walls guarding against real change from within.
Our dependence upon historical structures means that we are not well prepared for the challenges of VUCA.
My response to this challenge is found not in fixing Structure. Instead, we need to release the natural potential of every individual within society and its organizations. This is done by “elevating the leadership capacity” of all the people within an organization. This is the topic of the fourth video in the Circle of Impact Leadership 6 series.
The other videos in the series build upon this perspective. They are available to view on my YouTube channel. I will post a video with a comment each Friday.
If you have questions or want to discuss how the Circle of Impact can benefit your team or organization, please reach out to me at ed@edbrenegar.com.
The Leadership Six Series
Introduction to the Circle of Impact model of leadership