Kate Griffiths/ Kath Roberts are two of the co-founders of Foundation of Colours.
FOC is a not for profit that focuses on expanding the reach of colour across business, health and wellbeing, and education. It builds on the groundwork laid out in their book Colourful Boardrooms: Transforming Leaders Inside and Out. The book outlines the changing nature of work and conscious leadership.
Kate and Kath are both colour therapists, organisational systems coaches and international teachers of colour therapy.
They are preparing for a 3 day online Power of Colour summit March 21 through 23. Find out more at https://www.focsummit.com/, it's free to register.
The work that Kate and Kath are doing is aligned with other developmental approaches that recognizes that the embodiment of knowledge and insight broadens the possibilities for growth. Our conversation validated my sense that colour has a deep connection to how we understand ourselves and in particular how we express ourselves in the context of work and relationships.
Why the FOC and Why Now? video
Website - https://wholeselfleadership.com
LinkedIn -linkedin.com/in/wholeself
Linkedin - linkedin.com/in/kathlroberts
If you want to know more about the Foundation you can check out the following two min videos Ed - & .