I’ll be very brief.
The following is based on The Future is More Than Complex that I posted yesterday.
It is time for us to stop worrying about whatever emotionally paralyzes us right now. This is all part of the collapse that I see coming. You must realize that when governments become highly restrictive it is not a sign of strength, but of weakness. You have to get that through your heads.
If you want to be strong, or find the strength to be resilient then start to do these five things.
Educate Yourself
Simplify Your Life
Create a Purpose for Impact
Establish a Network of Relationships
Write to understand what you think and feel.
It is explained in the next to last section of the post linked above.
I’m going to say one thing about each of those steps. Think of this as your call to action for the weekend.
First, to educate yourself, stop reading to make yourself feel comfortable.
Read to toughen your mind. If you don’t know where to start, read the eight books, one major and seven short that I’ve written. You can find them at https://amazon.com/author/edbrenegar.
Second, simplify your life.
Stop using your phone to numb your mind. You are being diverted by dancers, angry people, and stuff that wastes your precious brain cells. You need to realize that virtually everything on a screen is a simulation of reality. It is not real. You need to embrace reality. And that can only be done directly. If you don’t understand what I mean then read this post from 2013 where I describe The Spectacle of the Real. I’ll be writing more about this later this year. Simplify right now. Don’t wait to create a plan. Start with one thing.
Third, you need to have a purpose that enables you to withstand the lure of social conformity to bad, destructive ideas.
Define your initial purpose, your purpose for the next week, by something that you want to change. Make sure that change simplifies your life. It takes courage to do all this. People are going to first think you are crazy, then as peace and confidence return to your heart and mind, you’ll see people asking about what you did. Then you tell them. It is how we become persons of impact.
Fourth, meet with one person who shares some of the same concerns that you do.
They may be a friend or a member of your family. Ask them to meet with you. Talk through these five steps to see if maybe you can support each other in implementing them. If you start a network, or a group to do study or service in your community, reach out to me at the Global Impact Network page at my website and let me know. I want to follow your progress.
Lastly, read and write, listen and write, observe and write, talk and write, work and write.
Write about everything that crosses your path today. One word or a hundred words, it does not matter. The only rule is write. Misspelled words don’t matter. Confusing sentences don’t matter. Writing is all that matters. Why? Because it forces your brain to coordinate with your entire mind and body to make sense enough to write something that you’ll look at a year from now and remember how you felt when you wrote it. I have journals going back forty years. They weren’t very good, but I remember when I wrote in the entries. Write. No excuses. Begin right now.
This is how you translate a deep thought piece into action.
Do the five and you are preparing yourself to be a person of impact, making a difference that matters.