The Two Global Forces Series
The dynamic we are in is the tension between the global and the local, between centralization and decentralization, and what happens when the center of society no longer supports the periphery.
As of today, April 12, 2023, I have posted 142 columns over the past 15 months. Each column represents a stream of thought that is ongoing. I constantly return to what I wrote a year ago to see what I was thinking then in comparison to what I am thinking now.
There are some topics that have presented themselves as a series of posts. The Synthesis, the Networks of Relationships, the Culture of Simulation, and the Trust series are the most prominent. There is, however, a topic that I have not collected into a series at this point.
I think it is important to have the widest perspective possible. The challenge of creating that perspective is significant. Not only do you have to have a significantly broad network, but you need to be so curious that you don’t care what people think of you asking so many strange and irreverent questions.
I’m describing myself of course. I am a culture junkie, a book hound, a history lover, an amateur philosopher, and an obsessive networker. The fruit of this approach to my life is that I not only learn stuff, but I get to integrate what I learn into a picture of the whole. The Two Global Forces perspective is a product of this learning path.
The Two Global Forces Framework
This is the basic view. Two axes: Global to Local and Left to Right.
What changes this perspective from a classic binary picture is that line between left and right bends so that there is a left and right local component and a left and right global component. I could identify these positions with various ideological and institutional groups, but I’d prefer you look at this picture as a map of the patterns of behavior that represent primarily global and local cultures.
To understand this picture at a deeper and broader level, I suggest that you read the posts that I have selected for The Two Global Forces Series. These are in an order that I think will be beneficial for you to read. I welcome your comments and questions.
The Two Global Forces Series
Digging into The Two Global Forces
Here is a more detailed map of the Two Global Forces that I developed in the Fall of 2021. You are free to disagree with any or all of it. Tell me what you think. I feed off your input.
My purpose was to map the relationships, both ideological and institutional of these groups within the Two Global Forces sphere of influence. As I look at it right now, it may be a bit dated. Take it as a starting point for your own growing perception of the big picture.
As a map, it represents only a portion of the territory that I am describing.
Why is this important?
We are inundated with messages and perspectives every day. If you are not working to develop your critical thinking skills, you will lose your capacity to tell truth from fiction. You will also lose your capacity to act as a person of agency.
Are you able to stand while everyone else sits and accepts the messages that you receive? You can if you are willing to work at developing your intuitional knowledge. I am not talking about developing arguments to defend a position. I am talking about being able to see what others cannot see and then say Yes or No with a clear conscience. ,
If you want to develop this capacity of mind, heart, soul, and relating, then become a paid subscriber. I am not being mercenary. I am offering you the opportunity to put skin in the game that will give you the opportunity to develop the skills of thought and action that you will need in the future.