I see a war on the horizon. Possible sparks are the Race war that the media has been trying to implement for years, where skin color will trump religion in the fight for control. Then there is likely going to be a religious war, Islam against the Judeo-Christian establishment. Likely to start in the middle east...You know...Minneapolis Saint Paul and Dearborn Mich. Lastly and most likely, the war between the leftist communists and the right wing Christians and Jews. This will likely result in 3 new countries to replace the late great United States. Like all wars it will be bloody and will last about 3 years, but then there will be peace for a period of time. All three of the these scenarios will result in the destruction of the Republic, and its possible that all three could happen almost simultaneously. I didn't mention the USA and China, because that is also a possibility considering that China has been pre-placing and army in the US for the last 2 years. I could also mention that the globalists have been moving Hispanics here in large numbers and distributing them all over the 50 states for years. It was only slowed briefly during the Trump Administration. Its entirely possible that Biden's problems become sever enough that they will try to activate this army by saying " We brought you here, now if you want to stay you need to kill of the competition. So I conclude...War is not just possible, its a forgone conclusion, the only question is when and where will it start?

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Never underestimate the role that arrogance, cognitive dissonance, and incompetence will play. I seriously doubt that the scenario will play out as you describe. It is just too predictable and orderly to happen as you describe. It doesn’t mean that nothing will happen. Time will tell.

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I hope I am wrong.

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I understand. These are times of change. It calls us to be strong in spirit while so many cannot be. This is why I focus on recovery and restoration in the aftermath of whatever comes. Thank you for sharing you perspective. I too hope it be a different outcome.

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I am thinking more about the idea of family as used in Rome, the Familia - an economic and social organization. Looking at both my two adult children who have two kids each, the vice is tightening on their ability to live as independent tiny units. Their only way out economically is to spread the load of costs among a broader group. The money is the driver here - Ed...... in only 5 years the pips will be squeaking and they have no way out based on current practice

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Yes, I do see that. I'm just not convinced that it unfolds as they claim it will. It is too complex. The mimetic rivalry between global states is increasing. Resistance is growing. So, I assume that it is going to be a giant mess that no one likes. This is where I want to be in order to initiate ways to recover and restore. I've been tracking this for a long time. I believe it is going to fail. And it needs to fail faster, so that the long term damage is minimized. The dynamic that I see I call the Two Global Forces. "There is the global force of centralized institutions of governance and finance. And there is the global force of decentralized networks of relationships." Complexity that doesn't decentralize will fail because of its administrative burden and the cost of sustaining the centralized infrastructure. I wrote about this in my 2018 book, Circle of Impact. I posted some selections of this idea last year at https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/two-global-forces-in-conflict. In this case perception is not reality, because perception is based on a hyperreal presentation of the world. I describe this in my post, The Spectacle of the Real - https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/the-spectacle-of-the-real. Four years ago they were preparing for the pandemic. They were signalling what they were going to do. But no body was paying attention. Maybe now they will, and that will influence what is going to happen. I don't believe we are at their mercy. And I don't believe fighting them is the answer. Rather, it is as you point out. Strengthen, in my terminology, the relationships and institutions of your local community. Be proactive. Be a contributor. Participate in local activities and talk with your neighbors about resiliency and recovery. This something everyone can do.

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Be a Contributor is my mantra too

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Well said Ed - think a key part of simplifying is a return to family and/or a tribe - the state has filled that role in all parts of life. It now raises our children, pays us an income, and looks after us when we are old or ill. Except it does all these things very badly and great cost. At a cost that we can no longer afford and at a level of service that means no service. Family/Tribe us surely the core social structure for times like ours?

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It is a short term strategy that will fail. I talk to young people quite a bit. Often this say that they don't want to bring a child into the world as it is. I tell them. You are the very ones who should be having children. You see the problems and you would avoid them in raising your children. My appeal usually fails to convince them.

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I am in the middle of talking about this crisis - I think we see the problem together

here is the latest


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By the way, just as an aside, I see you know my old pal Johnnie Moore well

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