Well, this is very interesting to read . I have been using the word "Filtration " as you use "Synthesis " - both get back to mushroom reality ! putting it all together and coming up with a picture that then is flashed out , supposedly the fastest thing on earth is one kind of mushroom spore when it is released from its mushroom womb . ( Ok , everybody , say mushroom womb three times fast and tell me if you are smiling ! ) Synthesis . As an artist , I would have to say that the coding action that we call art , be it poetry image dance or literature or even picking the correct wine to pair with the correct cheese to go with a meal , is about that synthesis - its the product of the synthesization of something that the artist has perceived and needs to actually code a new language to share it . People like to share , at least I do . Really love these thoughts , I suggest that you create a new word ( Name it ) to go with this . For me , I have been pushing the biologosphere concept for a while in my writings , as AI is not artificial and it is not intelligent , rather it is a giant brain floating in the sky , the bio-logosphere . Now , realizing how many people are totally disconnected from their bodies , for example , if you are talking with a narcissist , talk to them when they are driving because since they HAVE to let the body be in charge at that time , you are most likely to actually talk to their true persona , not the made up one . Anyway , I am going on to using the words bio-logos to imply the mind that is actually speaking and working for the body that that mind filter is attached to , physically . Keep it coming Ed , fascinating the idea of the Yellowstone that you "Know" does not exist , it could be that to truly discover that Yellowstone you need to code about it with art . "Colors of Yellowstone " - Curious what you think about the multi verse . Maybe that is in your article about complexity which is posted below .

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I'm trying to avoid mechanical and scientific words. I see them as representative of the past, not the future. The modernist myth of science and industry is dying. Read through my work, including my book Circle of Impact, you'll see that a more human, communal world is being born. I use Synthesis because it doesn't conform to expectations. If I keep refining it, it will either become THE word, or a better one will show itself. I'm patient and willing to let the process unfold.

As for a "code", my conviction since the first time I went to Yellowstone in 1977 was that the environment of the West placed people in their proper place in nature. We could not control it. We had to respect it to live within it. As a result, it require each person to master their own ego and intellect to live in nature. This is not so in cities that are dominated by the human ego against nature. The code for me are "patterns of behavior" that I see replicated in nature and in the work of people. Christopher Alexander, an architect, wrote an important book called A Pattern Language, which identified patterns for design houses, neighborhoods and cities. I see those patterns in terms of social and organizational structures. There are a lot of threads to what I am working on. It is a life-long project.

Thanks for your insight and encouragement.

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I am familiar with A Pattern Language - Just so that you know , James Joyce gives us all permission to create new language !

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